If you are buying a dog online, finding the best breeder or seller that meets your needs is more important than finding a breeder or seller near you. If you are dealing with a good breeder or booking a dog online through a reputed or trusted website like “www.breednbreeder.com” then you do not need to be worried about the breeders, as we personally check with the breeders deal with and check all the essential properties before entering into the contract.
First and foremost, we only work with professional breeders and pet parents for our pets. We strictly prohibit entering into contracts with puppy mill dealers.
We only support professional breeders or sellers who are reputable and certified, have ethical work values, care for their pets themselves, and do not view them as commercial gain. In addition, if we receive negative feedback or become aware of deception or fraud, we will never work with them again.
Some red flags to look out for when dealing with dog sellers include: if they only communicate with you via email, avoid contacting them personally or over the phone.
On their website, there are fake photos and copied data.
They agree to give you a discount, offer you a low price, and make you pay using non-secure methods.